Taming of the Shrew 2023

A critical success for MKP

Premiering at The Alliance Theater in Trolley Square in June of 2023, Taming of the Shrew opened to a complete run of sold out performances. Taming was a community highlight for the year, earning favorable responses from both critics and audience members, launching MKP to be nominated twice in City Weekly's Best Of 2023 for Best Theater Company in Utah, and Best Local Actor for James Naylor's performance of Petruchio.

Look at us!!

As featured in Salt Lake City Weekly and Gephardt Daily!

Read what Gephardt reviewer Daisy Blake had to say about Drunken Shakespeare!

And director Carleigh had the honor of an interview about Taming of the Shrew and Drunken Shakespeare in the June 8-14, 2023 issue of City Weekly!

Click to read our review in Gephardt Daily!

Taming of the Shrew is very problematic. The same could be said for just about all of Shakespeare's plays really. I mean, they are over 400 years old. The times they are a changin'! I knew approaching this one would need to have something more to it. I have always loved the story line, but was so disappointed in the ending. I felt like Shakespeare wrote this character that was so much like me! She was loud, she was defiant, she called people out on their shit when she didn't like it! Then to only be ruined by becoming submissive to a man... It hurt my heart. So I decided to change the ending. There's one line that stood out to me while reading through the script and it's when Gremio states, "I warrant him, Patruchio has been Kated." From there I knew we had to show Petruchio being the true problematic character and in the end accepting Kate for her "shrewdness" and loving her for all of it. That Kate would then in turn allow him into her heart for letting her be exactly as she is and that he instead changes by seeing her as an equal rather than a conquest to tame. Kate is not difficult, or harsh, or unmanageable. She is strong, she is confident, she knows who she is. She's a whole lot of woman, and as someone who has been told many times, that I'm "a lot" I can testify that it takes an even stronger man to handle it all. To be seen and loved for exactly who I am and what I stand for is the deepest feeling of love to have. So I hope you can see Kat, and love her, and all the women in your life that may be "too much".” - Carleigh-Jo Naylor, director's note